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Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation No. 9


  • In an exciting collaboration with the Design Museum, ‘Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation’  highlights the work by 10 emerging voices in architecture, who have each been nominated by  established names in the profession, for their impact on shaping a new future for London. Responding to the defining challenges facing young people in London today, this new generation of architecture voices pushing the boundaries of what architecture can be, who London is for and what its future holds.
  • In a series of visionary manifestos, the chosen 10 share alternative visions for the capital’s urban landscape, prioritising collaboration, dialogue, learning and action in response to the real material and social conditions of a city in flux. Check back every Wednesday and Saturday for more.


Patricia de Souza Leao Muller of Holy Fool Studio (nominated by Manijeh Verghese)

As the architectural profession in London becomes a mere tool for developers, it underestimates the profound wisdom of the foolish play. Like the idiot at the feast, if architecture would be used to not find solutions to problems, we could tear open the gaps within dominant structures with play and humour. Responding to conversations about queer spaces, I investigate ways to catalyse long-term change through foolishness and irreverence, disrupting norms and complacency through collective making.

Success is measured by how much a profession by experts, for experts, is made accessible through designs that are cheap, non-standard, participatory, expressive, handmade, and with easy instructions. Through collective engagements, institutional diplomacy, and scripted spectacles, big questions about the inclusion of vulnerable identities, and bottom up self-expression, can be answered with the architecture of what simply exists: loos, flowers and joy.

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